Spot Repair
in Hacienda Heights, CA
Project Details
Sewer Line Repiar
Team Rooter Technician went out for a storm drain clog. They went out to try to hydrojet the storm drain but it didn’t fully open. Tech had to cut and jack hammer 44 feet of concrete to trench the damaged storm drain. Tech had to excavate an additional 5 feet towards the flower bed so they added a brain and tap into the existing line. After work is done they patched up concrete. All Parts and labor included. Work comes with a 10 year warranty.
Check Out The Project Pictures Below
Team Rooter Service Request
Please fill out the form below and one of our representatives will give you a call back between 8 am to 9pm.
For emergency or immediate service requests please call (800)818-2397 24hours a day, 7 days a week.